Balloons at the ChadTough Foundation walk against DIPG
Our lab with Tammi Carr and Susan Gray at the ChadTough walk aganist DIPG
Getting ready for the walk
Matt, Siva and Mateus enjoying Chad Tough cookies
Stefan’s graduation and send off celebrations at Zingermans
Chan presenting at the DIPG focus group meeting
Michigan football players Grant Newsome and Chase Winovich vist the lab along with the Chad Tough foundation.
Thank you for your help in our battle against DIPG!!!
Thank you Liz Dawes!!
The Robert Connor Dawes Foundation’s was started by Liz Dawes in memory of her son Robert Connor Dawes who battled against Ependymoma.
Liz got everyone in the lab socks with brains and beakers on them. Thank you Liz and we are ready to sock it to ependymoma!
Read more about Liz’s work and the Robert Connor Dawes Foundation below.
Robert Conner Dawes Foundation
Adam and Sriram at the Cellular & Molecular Biology retreat at Higgins Lake, Roscommon, MI.
Celebrating our first paper from the lab in STM with Korean Barbecue
Stefan’s birthday celebrations
Adam's birthday and inauguration of the Susan and Steve Gray cell counter
Pooja at the Society for Neuro-Oncology 2017 meeting
Lab picnic along with the Lieberman lab at Kensington Metropark